“Palestine is a moral litmus test for the world.” (- Angela Davis)

“There’s a video of a small body being carried and it’s a Palestinian child whose skull has been blasted open. Every psychopathic politician who’s responsible for trafficking arms to Israel needs to be shown this video and their reaction needs to be recorded live.” (-Fifty Shades Of Whey)

“Neil Young was upset with Spotify for platforming Joe Rogan but he’s fine with Antony Blinken playing “Rocking in the Free World” as he genocides kids in Gaza” (-Not Voting For Genocide Joe)

“Did the U.S. care about Ukraine’s sovereignty when they helped overthrow their Govt over 10 years ago?” (-Black In The Empire)

“Most of the people who make it through the education system and get into the elite universities are able to do it because they’ve been willing to obey a lot of stupid orders for years and years – that’s the way I did it, for example. Some people go along with it because they figure, “Okay, I’ll do any stupid thing that asshole says because I want to get ahead”; others do it because they’ve just internalized the values – but after a while, those two things tend to get sort of blurred. But you do it, or else you’re out: you ask too many questions and you’re going to get in trouble.” (-Noam Chomsky )


Junkyard – Faded [ Official Music Video ] (youtube.com)


Human Being (youtube.com)


PIL – Rise – Glasnost Rock – Rock Summer 1988 (youtube.com)


Glorious Bankrobbers – Turn on the music (Official music video) (youtube.com)


Glass Heroes – You Let Me Down (youtube.com)


The Sin City Sinners – Goin to Vegas Official Music Video (youtube.com)


Inger Lorre – Yard of Blonde Girls (youtube.com)


Flesh For Lulu Live Brixton Fridge 24/11/83 (youtube.com)


Memories Are for Losers (youtube.com)

Good Morning, Headache (youtube.com)


The Courageous Jews Leading The Fight Against Israel’s Genocide in Gaza (youtube.com)

American Doctors are Trapped In Gaza And Dehydrated As Israeli Wages War of Attrition (youtube.com)


The Alarm ‘The Stand’ the Tube 1983 (youtube.com)


Big Star – Ballad of El Goodo (youtube.com)

Big Star – Thirteen [Alternate Mix] (Official Music Video) (youtube.com)


(2) CODEPINK on X: “STOP ARMING ISRAEL! Congress wants to force the Biden admin to send more weapons to Israel, but they don’t need to! His administration assured them today that they are still sending more and more weapons to Israel to continue the genocide in Gaza. Shame! https://t.co/q80Yr3fZCK” / X (twitter.com)

“FYI there is nothing revolutionary or anti-establishment about supporting a Republican presidential candidate who openly backs all the same neocon war agendas as the current Democrat president.” (-Caitlin Johnstone)

“Gaza is now all the world. This moment belongs to the people. We can dream our own dreams and create a new world in every personal act of refusal to participate in this horrible system predicated on genocide and unending exploitation.” (- Susan Abulhawa)

““A social movement that only moves people is merely a revolt. A movement that changes both people and institutions is a revolution.” Martin Luther King Jr.

Morehouse students don’t let them use you to give cover for genocide. Atl show them you say no to Genocide Joe” (-Kamau Franklin Stop Cop City)

 Who are the Democrats? Remember that time they tried to “own” Trump by showing a picture of kids in cages, and it turned out that it was taken in 2014, under Obama and Biden? Both Parties work for the same Evil ” (-Black In The Empire) 


JOHNNY THUNDERS – So alone Live BEST VERSION Ever!! WestSide Club Lyon France 28 novembre 1984 (youtube.com)

Johnny Thunders – Critics Choice (youtube.com)


(1) David J “Candy on the Cross” – YouTube


(3) Prof Zenkus on X: “Biden appointee Lily Greenberg Call, a Jewish American, resigns in protest of Biden’s support for genocide in Gaza: “I can no longer in good conscience continue to represent this administration amidst President Biden’s disastrous, continued support for Israel’s genocide…” The https://t.co/WLkrqZA4yA” / X (twitter.com)


‘It’s Bisan From Gaza, And Israel Made All These People Homeless’ (youtube.com)

‘It’s Bisan From Gaza, And This Is A Second Nakba’ (youtube.com)


The Coup – “Land Of 7 Billion Dances” (youtube.com)


Amyl and the Sniffers – studio session at The Current (music + interview) (youtube.com)

“Poor kid, don’t you understand that if white folks can justify killing 36 thousand Palestinians, most women and children, what do you think they will do to Black folks. But you are not worried are you, because you believe in the good massa don’t you. Biden is a pig.” (-Ajamu Baraka)


(2) People’s City Council – Los Angeles on X: “There are so many fucking cops at UC Irvine. At least 10 different agencies here, probably over 150 cops on campus currently. https://t.co/gtPcocFmxV” / X (twitter.com)

(2) Quds News Network on X: “BREAKING| Well-known Jewish historian, Ilan Pappe, says that he was detained Monday at Detroit airport, questioned by federal agents and had his phone copied. According to Pappe, he was asked if he was a Hamas supporter and if he regarded the Israeli actions in Gaza a genocide. https://t.co/VtMsGnX0EJ” / X (twitter.com)

(2) Palestine Action on X: “Four arrested for halting the production of parts for Israel’s missiles and fighter jets on Nakba day https://t.co/SA6lPfr59A” / X (twitter.com)

(2) Film The Police LA on X: “Hi @UCLA, Last week you arrested 44 people who had NOT committed a crime. I was one of them. Yet this guy committed multiple assault w/deadly weapons against YOUR STUDENTS and he’s allowed to walk around freely. I see ZERO effort to investigate him. We need to know WHY?” / X (twitter.com)

(2) People’s City Council – Los Angeles on X: “CHP just arrived at UC Irvine. This is what happened last time they were on a college campus:” / X (twitter.com)

(3) Film The Police LA on X: “No arrests yet. Don’t even think there’s a criminal investigation. Why? https://t.co/qfrRkZNQYW” / X (twitter.com)


You Broke My Heart (youtube.com)

“Joe Biden just approved a billion dollars worth of bombs and bullets to go to Israel so they can slaughter Palestinians in Rafah. So all you Democrats who said “look, Biden is putting his foot down with Israel” – we know you – and your genocidal president- were full of shit.” (-Prof Zenkus)

“70% of Americans do not want to vote for either President Biden or President Trump.” (-Mavis E)

“The democrat party, those paragons of democracy – even the Commission on Presidential Debates was a threat so they were ditched. Only the representatives of the two wings of the capitalist ruling class will be allowed to “debate.” If the rulers & their servants in the corporate media can characterize Ukraine that bans opposition, unions & controls the press as a democracy, why are people surprised by the latest agreement between Trump & Biden, both fascists, to keep all other parties out of the debate?” (-Ajamu Baraka)

“People in other countries riot over things that most americans just accepted as being normal” (-Joey Wreck)


Good morning-I’m a little bit salty cause the cats woke me up early and I gotta go do laundry, grocery shopping for a convalescent client, and do house cleaning today, so I’m feelin real bitchy but trying to have my coffee and power through. Bad dreams I got put in one of those reconditioning camps, ya know, did ya read about how certain colleges are sorta detention halling their own students demanding they write essays about how naughty and “unethical” it is to incovenience millionaire admin and their alumni weapons shareholders with insistent demonstrations against the slaughter of innocent peoples for ruthless and homocidal psychotic natural-gas and land grabs? I bet you know people who thrive in those fascist systems of control, but I was never gonna be one of ’em, suckin’ up to authority or bringing a polished apple to Mrs. Crabtree, hoping she’ll let me bang out her erasers after school. I was smokin’ behind the bleachers with a kid named Dekan and refusing the dress for gym, right? Ridin’ around in Latrelle’s Toyota, makin’ mischief and asking her to drive me past my one true new wave love’s house again. Now I’m 54 and fat again cause I can’t stop seeking comfort in food with all the impossible anxiety. I was back down to 132 lbs. a couple years ago, thinkin’ I was right there on the verge of getting my band back together, my life’s ever receding bullshit mirage. Do my best now to avoid the false hope peddlers and ideas appropriators, now. So I’m watching this electrifying documentary about Robbie Williams-me and my dead bassplayer Bobby C are the only people I know personally who were big fans. Bobby related to him cause they shared a look, a style, a sensibility, and an old show biz sorta Snotty Sarcastic Sinatra cheeky humor carnie huckster vibe. I am Not That, never saw a bit of success or mainstream acceptance of any kind whatsoever, but I can empathize with Robbie Williams for a number of reasons, although our life experiences were nothing alike. He had beef with sidemen wanting to dominate his process, or stick to formula, or sponge all the credit and you know how catty musicians are over publishing-hellbent on monetizing anything they can, ever focused on wringing some monetary value outta every waking endeavor, I’ve had people cover my songs and try to publish them as their own, taking advantage of the fact that I aint got the university learned clerical skills to get there first, but even if they beat a fast track to the Ascap office or whatever, everybody that matters to me knows I wrote the songs that made the old drunks cry, Robbie Williams had bleak depressions and prolonged periods where his mojo went missing, but I’ll tell ya, in that whole Brit Pop 90’s era, he was a blast in my book, bit like if Oasis had more brains. He had soul and hit the high notes, too. Wrote from the heart with wit and charm and guts and integrity. Oozed charisma like Michael Hutchence. Got UK paparazzi hounded for dating Ginger Spice. I’ve lived in micro versions of his fishbowl, being over scrutinized by strangers cause of who I was dating way back whenever, so I feel this brother’s struggle wholeheartedly, even though I’m a faceless nobody who can’t even find a lousy garage band in the genocide age and he’s a stadium rockin bigname. I’m really enjoying the series, gives me something to look forward to after those taxing work days of tedious labor on topppa high stress, no sleep fulltime parenting, I never thought I’d succomb to watching tv at night, but if you’re a dieharder old rocknroll ghost like me, you’ll enjoy the hell outta the I Am Robbie Williams series. It’s also a welcome respite from seeeing millionaire media whores lying on behalf of unscrupulous, soul-free, demonic foreign powers that captured both our government and the controlled propaganda of the Pig 5 mass media monoplies. People who trust the official narratives from the tv are like hopeless zombies-blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things, so many people from my past ultimately just wanted to make big money and please their in laws or become their conservative square lawn mowin’ parents or whatever, to me that seemed like such a lazy, unimaginative, less than halfassed copout, how parochial, how boring and bougeoise, but I was never a sports fan to begin with, or a car flaunter, or any of that kinda shit. I’m punk rock, that’s how I was made. I gotta take time away from the internet cause you know all the murder being done by Murkkka and Israel is harmful to my sanity, my fragile little heart can not bear it. Really been needing to cry for quite some time now but you know, after many decades of grief and loss and hardknocks and social exile, you go numb, kinda. Finding out for certain all your estranged relatives, musical idols, ex girlfriends and old drinking buds are totally fine with it is the worst part, until you see upclose what the beautiful people of Palestine are suffering, while brutes with rubber bullets and tear gas attack scrawny bodies at college sit-ins. It’s the 60’s all over again, but without the Beatles or Dylan, or Jim Morrison or acid, or morbilizing the critical mass to really cause a mass awakening. All this generation gets is Macklemore. Thanks to Sarandon, Cusack, Waters, everybody still human enough to speak out in opposition. This is not a clever poshboy debate team topic, or controversial nuanced anything. You either stand with the people and Woody Guthrie, and the Clash and the angels, or you’ve becaome a holocaust enabling genoocide juice slurping, Amazon ordering stormtrooper of death and there is no both sidesing. Kids versus bombs. Which side are you on? Should be easy. No inner dialog about popularity or permission slips from the man. Life over death, good over evil, we gotta believe humanity will prevail over blackmail extortionists, executioners, sadists, and weapon manufacturers. Long live the resistance. On the route of the nineteen bus, etc. etc. (-The General)

Gaza is our moment of truth | The Electronic Intifada

‘They Don’t See Palestinians as Human Beings’: U.N. Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese on Israel’s Alternate Reality – DAWN (dawnmena.org)


Robbie Williams – Let Me Entertain You (Official Video) (youtube.com)

Robbie Williams – Eternity (youtube.com)

Robbie Williams – Candy (youtube.com)

Robbie Williams | Party Like A Russian (Official Video) (youtube.com)

Robbie Williams – Rock DJ (youtube.com)

Robbie Williams – Millennium (youtube.com)


Last Bandit / Trail Of Tears / How Come It Never Rains? [Live 1991] ~ The Dogs D’Amour (youtube.com)


Bare Minimum To Being Human (youtube.com)

Facebook Caught Illegally Spying On YOU & Its Competitors! (youtube.com)


The Cramps – Live in Belgium (2006) – Full Concert (youtube.com)


Charlie Sexton with Chuck Prophet and the Mission Express “Miss You” (youtube.com)

Charlie Sexton – Don’t Look Back (youtube.com)


(MANDATORY CREDIT Koh Hasebe/Shinko Music/Getty Images) English new wave band Japan, photo session at a photo studio in Tokyo, Japan, March 1980. (L-R) Mick Karn (bass),Steve Jansen (drums),Rob Dean (guitar), Richard Barbieri (keyboards),David Sylvian (vocals). (Photo by Koh Hasebe/Shinko Music/Getty Images)

Japan – The Unconventional. (1978) (youtube.com)

Japan ~ Lovers On Main Street (youtube.com)


Fishnets & Cigarettes (youtube.com)

PLENTY OF MUSIC (youtube.com)


(2) Clare Daly on X: “Today is #NakbaDay. 75 years ago a catastrophe was visited on the Palestinian people – the violent beginnings of Israel’s occupation. It continues today. @vonderleyen recently described these events as a “dream.” That is unacceptable, and must be condemned. #VonDerLies #Nakba https://t.co/uFZrdyhArm” / X (twitter.com)


The Panthers and Palestine – Picturing Black History


‘Lesser of Two Evils’ Logic Destroyed w/ Eugene Puryear (youtube.com)


Omali Yeshitela on Free Speech, Self Determination, and the State vs Uhuru (youtube.com)


Defiance – No Future No Hope (youtube.com)


Faster Pussycat-Friends (youtube.com)

“A block from Eve Barlow

Is like cockroaches saying they’re leaving your apartment” (-Tommy Mac)

Idk what it is about summer that makes me wanna get real white trash with it. Barefoot, jorts, an ice cold PBR, some CCR bumping while I chill in the kiddie pool getting stoned to the fcking max…ahhh a dream come true! Who wants to come over??” (-Ruby Danger)

“Today is my daughter’s birthday.

Due to the war, i can’t even buy a gift to her nor make a party for her. I just pray to God to save her.” (-Ahmed Shemaya)

“Just read #GenocideJoe is giving another $1B in weapons to slaughter women and children.

If you still support this death mummy, don’t forget to gfys…” (-Anarcho Undead)

 IDK who needs to hear this but throughout history stories, art, books, plays, songs, dancing, comedians, and more recently, TV shows and movies have been some of the most politically outspoken forums available. It’s where creatives get away with saying the forbidden. Why not now?” (-Steve Lucier)

“Capitalism is America is like a sports game where the players can legally pay the referees. It’s normalized corruption.” (-Hamas Ross)

“Just because somebody is rich, famous, important, a public figure, or has an advanced degree and/or a recognized position of authority, does not make them a decent person, and, conversely, the absence of such doesn’t meant they aren’t one.” (-Jules)

“Continue speaking out and protesting for Gaza—your voice could save lives, as if saving all of humanity. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers; your support helps us feel heard and valued. Share our stories. Every retweet, every post, every conversation makes a difference.” (-Dr. Mustafa Elmarsi)

“I remember listening to “Rockin’ in the Free World” in 1991, the year that Blinken’s stepfather’s best friend, Mossad superspy Robert Maxwell, died mysteriously. His daughter Ghislaine went on to work with Jeffrey Epstein. Blinken’s stepfather, Sam Pisar, worked for Epstein too.” (-Sarah Kendzior)

“We will all be Palestinians you understand that this is the plan dont you. Look at their situation and imagine it upon your own family, its planned and fast approaching.” (-Dee Dogster)


Berlin Brats – (I’m) Psychotic 7″ + Demos + Live (Full Album) – 1976 (youtube.com)


(2) Saul Staniforth on X: “”A great Irish writer, James Connolly, a great socialist, said one country that occupies another cannot itself be free”. https://t.co/b1i9sJTPus” / X (twitter.com)


MACKLEMORE – HIND’S HALL (youtube.com)

(2) People’s City Council – Los Angeles on X: “Animation of the Cal State LA Gaza Solidarity Encampment 😍🇵🇸 https://t.co/nPvrYIqz1K” / X (twitter.com)


“If after all this, if after we’ve lost count of the number of people martyred by Israel, on Palestinian land, you still can’t speak up because you’re afraid of your government, or because you’re afraid of what your brand sales will be, you’re a fucking sell out.” (-Loud Mouth Brown Girls)

Steven Van Zandt Sun City (youtube.com)


(20) Eat Ezekiel Cannabis Leaf🍃then God Heals Nations on X: “Can you volunteer for Jill Stein in New York to get Signatures for Ballot Access?” / X (twitter.com)

(17) 𝓙𝓲𝓶𝓶𝔂 𝓙 🫒🇵🇸 on X: “That’s why I’m voting for Jill Stein and not Genocide Joe. https://t.co/npdwE4LFXe” / X (twitter.com)

(8) Dr. Jill Stein🌻 on X: “https://t.co/KqDoMNMb8Q https://t.co/KlQ1vEuZ7n” / X (twitter.com)


Nikki Sudden & Dave Kusworth – Jacobites – French TV – Silver Street plus interview (youtube.com)


Duke Protesters Smeared As Antisemitic After Jerry Seinfeld Speech Walk Out (youtube.com)

“Please, please, please listen:

DONT GET KETTLED!! Do not just sit there and think that the police are not strategizing on how to pin you. Think about your exit routes. Anything you can move to avoid the police putting their hands on you. Remember: BE WATER.” (-People’s City Council-Los Angeles)


Unholy on X: “You think I do this for work?! Lmao I cut poor ppl grass for FREE because capitalism is a cancer to the working class to the point the can’t even afford it! How about you stop assuming and learn before speaking.” / X (twitter.com)


1st Jewish Biden Appointee to Resign Over Gaza Quits on Nakba Day | Common Dreams

(2) BreakThrough News on X: “BREAKING: UAW workers at UC campuses have voted yes to authorize a strike. They said they are standing with the students and workers that were recently attacked at the Gaza solidarity encampments. https://t.co/EIw1ROo6cM” / X (twitter.com)

(2) Max Blumenthal on X: “Everyone knows if a supporter of Palestine had done this to Jewish people, the FBI would have had them ID’ed in minutes and raided their home following the national political and media freakout” / X (twitter.com)

(2) Khalissee on X: “BREAKING: Israeli army quadcopters are firing directly at JOURNALISTS, covering the Israeli massacre of the Jabalia refugee camp. https://t.co/LFM7a7xzJX” / X (twitter.com)

(2) Saul Williams on X: “How it is that journalists worldwide are not up in arms about how the entity targets journalists is one of the most bewildering things ever. That racism & colonial indoctrination can go so far as to make one spinelessly complicit in genocide in 2024-priceless but not salary-less” / X (twitter.com)

Opinion | The Journalists of Gaza Taught the World Why Outrage and Protest Were Required | Common Dreams

(21) Madam Crass on X: “The pornbots are CIA. I’ve been saying they are CIA because I know they are firsthand. Where did I live? Dallas. What’s in Dallas? The J. What is the J? FBI headquarters. Hide bot comments and block them immediately. Check your likes on comments as well and block them there” / X (twitter.com)

(21) Jimmy Dore on X: “Wow. Chilling.” / X (twitter.com)

(2) Read Let This Radicalize You on X: “Listen to this professor who was just arrested: “ We cannot have a genocidal foreign policy in a democracy! These young people are going to be the ones that have to pay the price for these horrible decisions. These police officers out here today, that’s thousands of students” / X (twitter.com)

(2) Film The Police LA on X: “If I did this I would be arrested within 24 hours and charged with ADW. My bail would be set at $150,000 bail.” / X (twitter.com)

(2) Max Blumenthal on X: “West LA Zionist hooligan Alon Abishoor was filmed pepper spraying a peaceful 10/14/23 Palestine solidarity demo https://t.co/HCMdVZWeNj He was granted impunity by local authorities, enabling him to carry out further violent assaults against anti-genocide protesters” / X (twitter.com)

(21) Film The Police LA on X: “No arrests yet. Don’t even think there’s a criminal investigation. Why? https://t.co/qfrRkZNQYW” / X (twitter.com)

(21) Glenn Greenwald on X: “Listen to this Sky News report on the shooting of Robert Fico. Not only do they come close to justifying it because he opposes aid to Ukraine, but they also casually imply that he’s being paid by the Kremlin. This casual accusation is so prevalent in the West, and toxic.” / X (twitter.com)

(35) Christina Amira Khalil on X: “If you support Biden, you are not for a real ceasefire or a #freecongo #votegreen” / X (twitter.com)

(35) 🔻 mari 🔻 on X: “✊🏽 Despite the deployment of American police, people chant for Palēstine 🇵🇸 in New York 🇺🇸 https://t.co/2FhGji0boZ” / X (twitter.com)

World Leaders Blasted Over ‘Grave’ Violations of International Law by Israel | Common Dreams

(33) Comrade Misty is Putin’s Buddy on X: “Shit. There was more of a police presence at our tiny Force the Vote and Free Assange protests the weekend before J6 than there was at J6.” / X (twitter.com)

(33) Palestine and MENA Info Center on X: “X suspends the account of Lily Greenberg Call, a Jewish American Biden political appointee who resigned from her post at the Interior Department on Wednesday, saying she could no longer work for the administration because of Biden’s continued support of Israel’s war in Gaza. https://t.co/9Zqreg8HXL” / X (twitter.com)


the BOYS. 1977. soda pressing (youtube.com)


Chelsea – Be What You Want To Be (youtube.com)


Angelic Upstarts – Solidarity (youtube.com)


The Smithereens – Yesterday Girl (youtube.com)


Washington DC: The Unaffordable and Unecessary War Capital of the World – Antiwar.com

Veteran Human Rights Leader Has Seen Enough: Israel Perpetrating Genocide in Gaza | Common Dreams

(21) Revolutionary Blackout Network🥋 on X: “Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico in coma after being shot in the head and the chest during a brutal assassination attempt Fico was critical of NATO’s war against Russia and spoke out against the WHO Pandemic Treaty. How convenient for the west https://t.co/5j0SWlFB2w” / X (twitter.com)

(9) stuart hall & oates on X: “This is the people with whom Sen Fetterman is completely aligned” / X (twitter.com)

(3) Claudia Monet 👻🦩🛵🌿🧉☕️🚀 on X: “Mind controlling your thoughts say what?!” / X (twitter.com)

LIVE From Palestinian Nakba Day Rally in NYC (youtube.com)

(12) Ajamu Baraka on X: “Folks, the West has completely given up on pretending it was committed to liberal values and has opted for fascism. This is what we are facing. There is no avoiding or explaining away what is unfolding in the West.” / X (twitter.com)

(12) Ajamu Baraka on X: “We had some “progressive” artists working with BAP but the heat of our uncompromising politics proved to be much too hot so they retreated to the familiar & non-threatening spaces of book clubs and abstract discussions.” / X (twitter.com)

(12) Ajamu Baraka on X: “The consolidation of fascism must continue in the U.S. because the crisis of legitimacy is only deepening because of stories like this. The continued response from the neoliberal fascists will be more brutally repression. https://t.co/LUQHYElVLj” / X (twitter.com)

(12) Ajamu Baraka on X: “When people outside of the racist West see these images you don’t have to ask them what the response would be if these were Russia soldiers, they already know, and know that there are two standards, one for the white West & another for everyone else. Zionism is racism!” / X (twitter.com)

(12) Ajamu Baraka on X: “All power to the anti-fascist resistance. Colonialism will be defeated.” / X (twitter.com)

(12) Black Alliance for Peace on X: “Tap into this months Resistance Review: The Mask is Off: The Hideous Connections Between Zionism, Colonialism, Capitalism and Genocide Hear a Black Radical political analysis on current events and more ✊🏾‼️ Read here: https://t.co/ztobwLXOd0” / X (twitter.com)

(12) Ajamu Baraka on X: “Because we don’t control our education, even at these colonial HBCU’s, many Black folks have no idea that our movement had the standing it had internationally. They want our people to believe their highest aspiration should be to serve the interests of the racists democrats.” / X (twitter.com)

‘A War Crime’: Rights Group Details Israel’s Use of Children as Human Shields | Common Dreams

(1) LanaK on X: “Why is the world letting a billionaire, WHO IS NOT A SCIENTIST whatsoever, do shit like this? He’s trying to find ways to kill off the population (and possibly your food). A chemical cloud????” / X (twitter.com)

From PropOrNot to New Lines: How Washington is Weaponizing Media (mintpressnews.com)

(1) Claudia on X: “Disclose, divest! We will not stop, we will not rest! Shout out to CUNY students, you make us proud!” / X (twitter.com)

(1) מרדכי קלומפס Mordechai Klompas مردخاي كلامبس on X: “🔴 ⚡ Extremist Israeli settlers attacked a truck carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip at the end of the day, took the driver out of the truck and brutally executed him under the eyes of the Israeli army. https://t.co/2cjzwIeouO” / X (twitter.com)

From PropOrNot to New Lines: How Washington is Weaponizing Media (mintpressnews.com)

(1) The Rotting Corpse of Henry Kissinger on X: “Are you noticing a trend of muscle-headed cops and security guards pushing and shoving protesters out of event after event? Many act as if being aggressive in public is exactly what they live for—and are be told to be that way by their overlords.” / X (twitter.com)

(1) Palestine and MENA Info Center on X: “Israeli settlers broke into a Palestine private house in south mount Hebron, they sat with the family without the family permission, they acted as if it is their house, they smoked cigarettes, they are intimidating the families to force them to leave. https://t.co/PyIk0qB0Qm” / X (twitter.com)

(4) ☀️👀 on X: “the New York Times is now just laundering straight Israeli intelligence propaganda under the guise of “journalism”. Yesterday they published a piece titled “The secret Hamas files”. Ronen Bergman, who served in Israeli military intelligence before being hired by the New https://t.co/q4XFVxB45h” / X (twitter.com)

Tommy Mac on X: “College dropout who has clearly and repeatedly said he wants to reduce world population Wants to modify the planet” / X (twitter.com)

“”Our democracy” is a joke & in no way is it worth “saving”. The “constitutional republic” is just a different name 4the same basic clown show you see & you’re sold by the system. If U still can’t figure out that UR being laughed at by the people in charge then UR hopeless.” (-Legalman)


Dead in the Water (youtube.com)


David McBride Australian War Crimes Whistleblower Sentenced To 6 Years In Jail (youtube.com)


Smash It Up (youtube.com)


The Golden Age of Rock ‘n’ Roll (youtube.com)

CHELSEA – No-one’s comming outside (youtube.com)

Nikki Sudden – “Angels in My Arms” (youtube.com)

Revolution (Remastered) (youtube.com)

Angelic Upstarts – Soldier (youtube.com)

Michael Monroe with Axl Rose – Dead, Jail or Rock n’ Roll (youtube.com)

The Exploited – 25 Years of Anarchy And Chaos – Live in Moscow 2005 (youtube.com)

Guns N’ Roses – Aint It Fun (Homenagem) ft. Michael Monroe (youtube.com)

Johnny Thunders – Blame It On Mom ( Live in Japan Club Citta 1991) (youtube.com)

Halloween -Japan (Live Version) Nottingham Rock City 7th May 1981 (youtube.com)

Girl – My Number (youtube.com)

LOWKEY – Palestine Will Never Die (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) (youtube.com)

My Favorite Mutiny (youtube.com)

The Fleshtones – Live 1983 Glasgow, Scotland (Full show) (youtube.com)

Back Street Girls, Paal Flaata, Casino Steel on Green Garden Gathering (youtube.com)


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