Where are you located?
France, but we also have guest writers from the USA and all around the globe!

Can you review my album/EP/7″”?
Sure we can if you think it will fit in here stylewise (glam, powerpop, punk rock’n’roll, etc.) Don’t take it personally if we don’t, sometimes it’s just difficult to write about music…

Do you review mp3s?
We do, but keep in mind that reviewing a real record and a sound file can’t be the same thing. The sound and artwork are always better when it’s the real thing. Records get reviewed first of course, and the download email queue can be quite long sometimes!

Can you interview my band?
No, sorry, we will if we want to! Experience showed us that bands begging for interviews usually are the ones that send back boring promotional kind of answers or just don’t reply at all in the end…

Do you accept donations?
We sure do because running a website isn’t free and we don’t get paid for it, so even a little helps!
